Implementation of communication and publicity measures

The envisaged measures are fully implemented in accordance with the Communication and Design Guide for the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) and Norway for the period 2014-2021, in order to inform the public and popularize the contribution of the EEA FM and the program.

Activities and stage of implementation:

  • Development of project information webpage:……………...
  • Development of a Facebook page to post news and information about the progress of the project……………&hellip ;
  • Organization of large-scale official events, and banners will be placed during the events: Opening press conference, “First pitch“ and press conference with “Object Discovery/“Ribbon Cutting“ for the Municipality of Smolyan and one event each - Final press conference with “Opening of an object / Ribbon cutting“ for the remaining 3 municipalities.

Opening press conference in Smolyan

Final Press Conference with “Object Discovery / Ribbon Cutting“  in Svilengrad

Final Press Conference with “Object Discovery / Ribbon Cutting“ in Krushari

Final Press Conference with “Object Discovery / Ribbon Cutting“ in Asenovgrad

  • Making and placing a billboard on every building where the project activity will be carried out.
  • Development and installation of a permanent information sign after the completion of the activities for all municipalities and for the partner “Pleiades Bulgaria” Ltd.
  • Publications in local and regional print media and production and distribution of paid messages in electronic media;
  • Production and distribution of leaflets and brochures from recycled paper;
  • Making and placing information stickers for the purchased equipment.

Photo gallery