Climate Change Adaptation Partnership Project Management

The organization and management of the project is carried out by a joint team consisting of a project manager, coordinator, financial expert and lawyer from the Municipality of Smolyan and a financial expert and coordinator from each of the other partners.

Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Development and implementation of measures leading to direct reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change. The measures include activities in each of the four Bulgarian municipalities.

Introduction of a system for intelligent energy monitoring

Within the framework of the project, a Smart center will be introduced for monitoring production, consumption and energy potential under the project.

Carrying out energy efficiency surveys on the project

The initial and subsequent surveys are carried out by the partner "Pleiades Bulgaria" OOD, and the municipalities provide the necessary information for this.

Preparation of short-term programs to promote the use of energy from renewable sources and biofuels under the project

The activity is performed by the partner “Pleiades Bulgaria” Ltd., with the municipalities providing the necessary information. As part of the activity, the following were prepared...

Improving the skills and expertise of municipal employees

Aims to improve expertise in assessing the effectiveness of planning and implementing strategic programs and implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.

Experience exchange

Exchange of knowledge and best practices at management and expert level in partnership with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim - NTNU

Implementation of communication and publicity measures

The measures are implemented in accordance with the Communication and Design Guide for the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area, in order to inform the public and popularize the contribution of the programme.

Improving competence through training of municipal employees on the project

A contractor was selected for the implementation of this activity in accordance with the PPA. The selected contractor provided a hall, lecturer, materials, coffee breaks for the training days, as well as accommodation and food for 7 experts from the municipalities.

Financial audit of the project

Carried out ongoing control over the application of national legislation and program rules in the implementation of the project, assignment of activities, expenditure, accounting and reporting.