Improving competence through training of municipal employees on the project

The training took place in the period 07-08 June 2023. A contractor was selected for the implementation of this activity in accordance with the PPA. The selected contractor provided a hall, lecturer, materials, coffee breaks for the training days, as well as accommodation and food for 7 experts from the municipalities - guests. The lecturer was Dr. Maria Trifonova, ch. assistant at SU "St. Kliment Ohridski". The topics she presented included monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the implementation of strategic plans, programs and projects for mitigation or adaptation to climate change, international and European policies regarding environmental protection and climate change, data and information processing, for data analysis and development of models for future changes in climate and water resources, energy communities and the challenges to their creation and management, etc. The representatives of the Norwegian partner also participated in the training, who presented their experience and the experience of the municipality of Trondheim, Norway, in the field of energy efficiency and adaptation to climate change. In order to familiarize themselves with additional innovative practices and exchange experience, the Bulgarian participants in the training participated in one of the panels of a training session under the +Cityxchange project, under the Horizon 2020 Program, implemented by the Municipality of Smolyan in partnership with a total of 32 partners, as a leading partner is the University of Trondheim. During this panel, the partners presented their experience, as a representative of the company "Ekoten" from the Czech Republic, presented a concrete example of the modernization of a school and the area around it, of its transformation into an energy-positive complex, showing a real example of the use of innovative solutions and technologies for adaptation to climate change. During the training, a representative of the other project partner - "Pleiades Bulgaria" Ltd. was also present.

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