The Municipality of Smolyan begins the implementation of the project "Partnership for Adaptation to Climate Change"


On 23.11.2021, the Municipality of Smolyan concluded a Grant Agreement No. D-33-55/23.11.2021 for the implementation of the "Partnership for adaptation to climate change" project under the "Protection of the Environment and Climate Change" Program changes", financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEF) 2014 - 2021. The project will be implemented in a broad partnership, including 4 municipalities from Bulgaria - Smolyan, Asenovgrad, Svilengrad and Krushari, Pleiades Bulgaria OOD - a company developing activities in the field of sustainable development and a partner from Norway - the University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.The program operator is the Ministry of Environment and Water.

The project envisages targeted activities to increase the capacity of local authorities to develop and implement programs for adaptation to climate change, to introduce specific measures leading to a direct reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as a direct link to the EU objectives for climate-adapted cities and communities . For the Municipality of Smolyan, the specific measures include an installation for the production of electricity from RES on the roof of the Sports Hall building and a combined installation for the production of electricity and heat from RES on the roof of the building of the Swimming Pool in the city.

Simultaneously, activities will be carried out to introduce pilot energy monitoring of energy consumption and production in buildings and monitoring of the potential of solar and wind energy, and the knowledge and results obtained will be implemented in new or updated existing programs to promote the use of renewable energy sources (RES) of the partner municipalities.

The project is also aimed at the needs of the municipalities for training and increasing the capacity of employees and implementing measures for the production of electricity and heat energy from renewable sources and carrying out energy efficiency surveys, laid down in the energy efficiency programs of the partner municipalities.

All activities will be carried out in an exchange of experience with the Norwegian partner, who will contribute to the implementation of the activities by applying good examples and innovations in the implementation of long-term and short-term energy efficiency programs and to promote the use of renewable energy sources (RES). and biofuels. Mandatory management, publicity and financial audit activities are also set.

The total value of the project amounts to BGN 940,266.60, and its duration is 24 months.

On August 10, 2022, at 2:00 p.m., in hall 247 in the Smolyan Municipality building, an opening press conference was held under project No. BGENVIRONMENT-3.002-0004 "Introduction of municipal schemes for separate collection and recycling of waste on the territory of the Smolyan Municipality and Banite Municipality ", which is implemented with the financial support of the "Environmental Protection and Climate Change" Program, through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021.

The beneficiary of the project is the Municipality of Smolyan, and the partners are the Municipality of Banite and the Municipality of Kristiansand - Kingdom of Norway.

The project is aimed at developing an analysis of good practices, based on the experience of the project partner from the Kingdom of Norway, and will present trends and mechanisms suitable for introducing the principles of the circular economy in Bulgarian municipalities.
Within the framework of the project, a Model for generation and trends in waste recovery will be developed in the context of the principles of the circular economy.

The expected effect of the project is related to the introduction of five main schemes for separate collection and recycling of waste, as follows:

  • In the Municipality of Smolyan - introduction of a scheme for separate collection and recycling of construction waste; introduction of a scheme for separate collection and recycling of waste from end-of-use tires and introduction of a scheme for separate collection and utilization of biodegradable waste from households.
  • In Banite municipality - introduction of a scheme for separate collection and recycling of paper, cardboard and glass and introduction of a scheme for separate collection and utilization of biodegradable waste from households.

The project is worth BGN 604,056.28. The period of implementation of the activities is 28.09.2021 - 27.09.2023.

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Environmental protection and climate change programme

Project Partners


This site was created within the framework of the project "Partnership for Adaptation to Climate Change", which is implemented with the financial support of the "Protection of the Environment and Climate Change" Program, through the FM of the EEA 2014-2021 d. All responsibility for the content of the publication is borne by the Municipality of Smolyan and under no circumstances can it be considered that this document reflects the official opinion of the Program Operator and/or the Office of the Financial Mechanism.
