The Municipality of Svilengrad officially opened the installation for the production of electricity from renewable sources
08.04.2024An installation for the production of electricity from renewable sources and four charging stations for electric vehicles was opened on April 8, 2024 by the mayor of the municipality of Svilengrad arch. Anastas Karchev. The facilities are located in the parking lot of the Sports Hall - Svilengrad.
They were built under the project "Partnership for Adaptation to Climate Change", in which the municipality of Svilengrad is a partner with the municipality of Smolyan (lead partner), the municipality of Asenovgrad, the municipality of Krushari, the Pleiades Bulgaria company and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The financing is under the "Environmental Protection and Climate Change" program of the FM of the EEA 2014-2021. The duration of the project is 29 months. The total value of the contract for the grant "BGENVIRONMENT-4.003-0013" is BGN 937,907.62. The financing for the municipality of Svilengrad is BGN 113,541.53.
The newly built photovoltaic installation has a power of 30kWp and provides energy for the needs of the sports hall. At its full capacity, it saves approximately 33% of the sports facility's electricity consumption. Charging stations for electric cars operate entirely from the energy of the plant. They can be used free of charge by electric car owners.
In addition to the construction of the photovoltaic installation, the other activities of the municipality of Svilengrad under the project include the training of four experts from the municipality in the field of energy efficiency and adaptation to climate change, preparation of subsequent energy surveys of 11 municipal and multi-family buildings - Elementary School "Lyuben Karavelov" and Elementary School " Vasil Levski" in the quarter "Cap. Petko Voivoda", Social Center - Svilengrad, blocks 2, 3, 7, 9 and 12 in the quarter "Prostor" and blocks 1, 2 and 6 in the quarter "Izgrev", preparation of "Short-term program to promote the use of RES and biofuels of Svilengrad Municipality 2024-2026". The final event in Svilengrad is part of the project's information and publicity activities.