Final press conference in Krushari Municipality under project BGENVIRONMENT-4.003-0013


Final press conference in the Municipality of Krushari under project BGENVIRONMENT-4.003-0013 "Partnership for adaptation to climate change", program "OOSKP", financed by the FM of the EEA 2014 - 2021
On 04/09/2024 at 10:30 a.m. in the building of the Municipal Administration - Krushari, a final press conference was held on the "Partnership for Adaptation to Climate Change" project.

The project is financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEF) 2014-2021, under the "Environmental Protection and Climate Change" Program. The grant agreement was signed on 23.11.2021, and the deadline for implementation is 23.04.2024.
The project is implemented in a broad partnership, including 4 municipalities from Bulgaria - Municipality of Smolyan, Municipality of Asenovgrad, Municipality of Svilengrad and Municipality of Krushari, "Pleiades Bulgaria" OOD - a company developing activities in the field of sustainable development and a partner from Norway - the University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. The program operator of the program is the Ministry of Environment and Water.

The Municipality of Krushari successfully implemented its part of the project, the main activity of which was the installation of an installation for the production of electricity from renewable energy, located on the roof of the building of the Municipality of Krushari in the village of Krushari.

The remaining activities are preparation of self-assessment reports and participation in joint events with other partners to increase the capacity of municipal employees; drawing up a short-term program to promote the use of energy from renewable energy sources and biofuels; preparation of energy efficiency surveys; communication and publicity activities.

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