The financial mechanism of the EEA in support of municipalities in Bulgaria


Smolyan municipality finalizes project BGENVIRONMENT-4.003-0013 “Partnership for adaptation to climate change“, procedure BGENVIRONMENT-4.003 - Open call #3 “Climate“ on Outcome 4: “Increased ability of local communities to reduce emissions and adapt to a changing climate“,  Program “Environmental Protection and Climate Change”, financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) 2014 – 2021. The project is implemented in a broad partnership, including 4 municipalities from Bulgaria – Smolyan Municipality, Asenovgrad Municipality, Svilengrad Municipality and Krushari Municipality, “Pleiades Bulgaria” Ltd. and a partner from Norway - the University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.

On June 14, in the building of the swimming pool in the city, the results of the implementation of the project were presented.

The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of 4 municipalities from Bulgaria, by developing the knowledge, skills, experience and qualifications necessary to support the planning and design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of their strategic plans and programs in terms of actions, resulting in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to the expected adverse effects of climate change.

The project is in line with the EU's 2020 and 2030 targets for greenhouse gas reduction, renewable energy production and energy efficiency, paving the way for the long-term goal of a climate-neutral economy by 2050. 


  • Management
  • Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Introduction of intelligent energy monitoring system
  • Performing energy efficiency surveys on the project
  • Short-term programs to promote the use of energy from renewable sources and biofuels under the project
  • Improving the skills and expertise of municipal employees
  • Experience exchange
  • Implementation of communication and publicity measures
  • Improving competence through training of municipal employees on the project
  • Financial audit of the project

You can find more information here on the project website in the separate sections for the implementation of the activities and on the official website of the Municipality of Smolyan –

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